Webinar Resource on Domestic Violence and Healthy Relationships

21 01 2014

The Northwest Network (in Seattle) is now offering a series of free webinars on various topics related to domestic violence and beyond.  I participated in the first one, which was a powerful combination of DV101 and empowerment model advocacy.  They also have a library of on-demand webinars that are directly relevant to any self-defense instructor  — among the topics are strangulation injuries, and intimate partner stalkers, and battered women charged with crimes.


From their website:  Founded in 1987 by lesbian survivors of battering, the NW Network works to end abuse in our diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities. As an organization founded by and for LGBT survivors, we’re deeply committed to fostering the empowerment of all survivors of abuse.  The NW Network increases our communities’ ability to support the self-determination and safety of bisexual, transgendered, lesbian and gay survivors of abuse through education, organizing and advocacy. We work within a broad liberation movement dedicated to social and economic justice, equality and respect for all people and the creation of loving, inclusive and accountable communities.

In The News: Defend Yourself and Lauren Taylor

25 09 2012

This is a really good article written by a reporter who took the class!


Women from Discovery Fit and Health HQ took a Defend Yourself class, and one summarized four really cool new facts she learned as she practiced her new-found techniques.

Lauren’s classes at Defend Yourself are all over the DC area — be sure to check one out when you’re there.

Free boundaries workshop Thursday night!

11 05 2011

“If you have a hard time saying No, if drawing a line fills you with dread, if you frequently find yourself doing stuff you don’t really want to do, or if you are scared of sounding like a b*tch or a wimp if you set a boundary…”  consider signing up for “Guilt-Free Boundaries.”

Sounds like a great chance to learn some new ways to teach verbal skills—and this woman can do it over the phone! I haven’t taken this workshop (I plan to tomorrow), but I did take an in-person, experiential workshop with her on “Asking For What You Want,” and it was excellent! So why not grab a little professional development? Maybe I’ll “see” you there. –Lauren

Beyond ‘no’: subtleties and complexities of refusal

12 04 2011

Mythcommunication: It’s Not That They Don’t Understand, They Just Don’t Like The Answer

This piece talks about how a direct ‘no’ is disfavored in western/English-speaking culture and how other kinds of refusals are generally clearly understood. It contains thought-provoking insights into what ‘nos’ work and can push us all to honor our students’ myriad ways of saying ‘no’.



Web Conference on Violence Prevention – TOMORROW!

8 03 2011

Raising consciousness about oppression and gender issues is an increasingly important aspect of preventing sexual and domestic violence. But how does critically re-evaluating the social world fit in sexual and domestic violence prevention? Many efforts struggle to incorporate root causes of violence, and this web conference presents ways these challenges have been embraced in local efforts. Guest speakers will share their strategies to raise critical consciousness and dialog with participants about ways to help others develop an understanding of sexual and domestic violence linked to a broader social context of oppression and privilege.

Tuesday, March 8 and
Wednesday, March 9

This ninety-minute (90 min) session will start at 11 AM Pacific Standard Time (2 PM Eastern) on March 8, and will be repeated at 11 AM Pacific Standard Time (2 PM Eastern) on the following day, March 9.


Thanks to Brenda Jones of Center for Anti-Violence Education for finding this!

Applied Microagression Defense: An interactive workshop with Darlene DeFour

10 05 2010

As noted in the February 2009 journal of the American Psychological Association, “some racism is so subtle that neither victim nor perpetrator may entirely understand what is going on—which may be especially toxic for people of color.” (You can read the full article at http://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/02/microaggression.aspx.)

What tools do self defense instructors need to respond to racist microaggression?  What strategies can we offer our students?

We are thrilled to welcome Darlene DeFour to teach Applied Microaggression Defense at SDIC ‘10. This workshop will offer dialogue and consideration of these phenomena, along with interactive exercises to help us all build effective self defense skills to respond.

A native of Harlem, New York, Darlene graduated from Fisk University and received her doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Hunter College of the City University of New York. In addition to her work as a research psychologist, Darlene has been training in the martial arts for more than 25 years. She is a 9th degree Black Belt in San Yama Bushi Ryu Ju-jutsu, the first woman in the system to hold this rank. She also holds a 3rd degree black belt in Shotokan karate. Darlene is currently the Chief Ju-jutsu instructor at the Harlem School of Ju-jutsu and Self Defense.

This workshop is sure to provide insights, raise questions, and offer practice opportunities for women of color and white allies. It’s a unique opportunity you won’t want to miss.

Register today at www.nwmaf.org!