Webinar Resource on Domestic Violence and Healthy Relationships

21 01 2014

The Northwest Network (in Seattle) is now offering a series of free webinars on various topics related to domestic violence and beyond.  I participated in the first one, which was a powerful combination of DV101 and empowerment model advocacy.  They also have a library of on-demand webinars that are directly relevant to any self-defense instructor  — among the topics are strangulation injuries, and intimate partner stalkers, and battered women charged with crimes.


From their website:  Founded in 1987 by lesbian survivors of battering, the NW Network works to end abuse in our diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities. As an organization founded by and for LGBT survivors, we’re deeply committed to fostering the empowerment of all survivors of abuse.  The NW Network increases our communities’ ability to support the self-determination and safety of bisexual, transgendered, lesbian and gay survivors of abuse through education, organizing and advocacy. We work within a broad liberation movement dedicated to social and economic justice, equality and respect for all people and the creation of loving, inclusive and accountable communities.

In The News: Sensei Jaye Spiro

25 09 2012

This article announces two women’s self-defense classes held on the same day:


One of these September 29th classes will be taught by Sensei Jaye Spiro.  Those of us who’ve been around for a while know that Sensei Jaye is one of the founders of the National Women’s Martial Arts Federation, one of the originators of our Self-Defense Certification Program, and was recognized at our 2012 Women’s Martial Arts Conference with the Founders Honors Award. A pioneer in women’s self-defense, Sensei Jaye has remained at the cutting edge of empowering women and girls.

Her school, Mejishi Martial Arts, offers a full range of martial arts, self-defense, and violence prevention programming. If I were in the Detroit area on Sept 29th, I know where I would go.

In The News: Defend Yourself and Lauren Taylor

25 09 2012

This is a really good article written by a reporter who took the class!


Women from Discovery Fit and Health HQ took a Defend Yourself class, and one summarized four really cool new facts she learned as she practiced her new-found techniques.

Lauren’s classes at Defend Yourself are all over the DC area — be sure to check one out when you’re there.

Seeking Super Sheros: The Contest

1 02 2012

If you could have one self-defense super power, what would it be? When would you use it, and who would you save?

Strategic Living needs to know!

This is a contest, and there be prizes (first prize is an iPod shuffle). Check out this video for more info.

Now go to the Strategic Living site for how to submit your AWESOME entry!

Self-defense instructors, please share this with your colleagues and students. Or start your own contest.

PS – Deadline is April 15th, 2012.

Amy Cuddy – powerful body language video

21 11 2011

This video from Harvard’s Amy Cuddy shows how powerful body language is effective. How, in just TWO MINUTES a day, you can change how you are perceived and treated by others.

Amy Cuddy: Power Poses from PopTech on Vimeo.

I’ve been teaching some of this for a while, and it’s good to see this as a resource. AND it can also influence how we are seen as self-defense teachers. Even though Cuddy’s work is more about business, it is easy to translate into a self-defense and personal safety context.

Free boundaries workshop Thursday night!

11 05 2011

“If you have a hard time saying No, if drawing a line fills you with dread, if you frequently find yourself doing stuff you don’t really want to do, or if you are scared of sounding like a b*tch or a wimp if you set a boundary…”  consider signing up for “Guilt-Free Boundaries.”

Sounds like a great chance to learn some new ways to teach verbal skills—and this woman can do it over the phone! I haven’t taken this workshop (I plan to tomorrow), but I did take an in-person, experiential workshop with her on “Asking For What You Want,” and it was excellent! So why not grab a little professional development? Maybe I’ll “see” you there. –Lauren

Calling All Writers . . .

20 04 2011

This appeared on our Facebook page last week:


Womyn Warrior blog is looking for article contributions. As they say:

Our vision is to build a collaborative of feminist, activist writers who envision and work toward the end of rape culture. Writers critically examining presentations of violence and gender in the media and politics. Writers creating a new standard for research-based and empowering personal safety information. Writers advocating for self defense, “Against Victim-Blaming AND Against Rape.”

Whether you are a violence prevention educator, a sociology student, or a recent graduate of a self defense course. Whether you have time to write one brief article a year, or are in search of a host for your weekly exposés. We want to hear YOUR voice!

Check them out, and consider adding your voice.

Beyond ‘no’: subtleties and complexities of refusal

12 04 2011

Mythcommunication: It’s Not That They Don’t Understand, They Just Don’t Like The Answer

This piece talks about how a direct ‘no’ is disfavored in western/English-speaking culture and how other kinds of refusals are generally clearly understood. It contains thought-provoking insights into what ‘nos’ work and can push us all to honor our students’ myriad ways of saying ‘no’.



In the News: Joanne Factor/Strategic Living

26 02 2011

The recent series of assaults on women is still news in Seattle. Hence, this article in the Seattle University paper on self-defense as a key to women’s safety. NWMAF member Joanne Factor (owner of Strategic Living Safety and Self-Defense Training) was interviewed for the self-defense perspective.

Read the article here: http://www.su-spectator.com/news/personal-defense-key-in-women-s-safety-on-and-off-capitol-hill-1.2013576.

A key point in this article is the reinforcement that fighting back has worked for these women.  A representative of the Seattle Police Department is recommending that women take self-defense classes.

Is this material that could be used in marketing? [Hint: the correct answer is YES.]

In the News: Anne Kuzminsky

25 02 2011

“To empower women and girls to live safe, peaceful lives, a leader in self-defense and martial arts is offering an open workshop Sat., March 5 to teach women self-defense skills to avoid dangerous encounters.”

And so begins the article featuring Anne Kuzminsky.  In addition to being a leader in self-defense and martial arts, Anne is a long-time member of the National Women’s Martial Arts Federation, has organized and expanded its annual Self-Defense Instructors’ Conference for several years now, and is serving on the NWMAF’s Board of Directors.

Read the article here: http://www.ricentral.com/content/self-defense-workshop-women-be-offered-anne-kuzminsky-march-5.

Remember, each article published about you and your classes gives you more public credibility, expert status, and adds to your press kit!